Embrace Tradition
& Community

Welcome to Country Markets, a legacy that celebrates 75 years of embracing sustainable rural traditions, fostering community bonds, and nurturing the timeless art of crafting, baking, and cultivating. As we step into a new era, we're on a mission to bridge the generational gap, inviting a new wave of makers, bakers, and craftspeople to join our journey and rejuvenate the spirit of local craftsmanship and community collaboration.

Cultivating a Vibrant Future


Established in 1946 by the visionary minds of the Irish Homespun Society and the Irish Countrywomen's Association, Country Markets Limited has been a beacon of authenticity and integrity. Our journey began as a response to the need for a co-operative platform that respects the richness of rural life, champions sustainable practices, and empowers local producers to share their bounty with the world.

A Legacy of Sustaining Traditions

Rooted in Community, Nurtured by Heritage

Our roots are firmly planted in the soil of community spirit. For decades, we've nurtured local economies, and our commitment to co-operative values has allowed us to flourish. Guided by the principles of collaboration, inclusivity, and fair exchange, we've proudly fostered a diverse tapestry of skills and talents that enrich the lives of individuals and communities alike.

Crafting, Baking, Growing, Uniting Hands & Hearts.

Country Markets serves as a stage where makers and craftspeople take center stage. It's where the age-old artistry of crafting and the delicious alchemy of baking meet the innovation and creativity of the present. Our branches, spanning the length and breadth of the country, stand as testament to the enduring appeal of our mission..

Join our Community

Join our vibrant community and become a part of the legacy. Together, we'll uphold tradition, foster sustainability, and nurture the spirit of rural life.